Links to Help and Information

To use the tools below you will need to either Login or if you don't have an account then Sign up for a free account
Samples will appear here when you select the appopriate example from the choices below.
Free Tools for Property Renters and Site Administrators
We have several free services that we provide for the use of property owners or web designers and administartors. Each of the services we provide below is free to use and they are designed to provide facilities that you might find difficult to implement yourself.
- Contact enquiry form.
We provide a rental enquiry form (Show example) to check for scam emails. This will allow you to embed an enquiry form on your site. We will then check the email for certain scam indications and include an appropriate warning in the enquiry we forward to you. For more details click here.
- Availability calendar.
You can either link to or embed
(Show Example)
a full availability calendar on your own web site. We provide the faility to put up the full calendar or just a selected range of months.
- Multi-currency price table.
We provide a date based pricing table
(Show Example)
which will convert and display using the latest exchange rates. This can be used with or without the calendar.
- Custom map to your property.
Display a custom map
(Show Example)
showing your property location and tourist attractions and points of interest. Choose google or virtual earth format. (Currently only for our advertisers but freely available soon)